
Classroom routines refer to systems that establish procedures and practices that are consistently followed in the classroom. This helps create a structured and predictable environment for students, minimising disruptions while promoting positive behaviour and academic success.


Step 1. Establish clear routines and expectations, such as daily schedules, transitions between activities, and taking turns. These routines should be communicated clearly to students, and should be reinforced consistently through positive reinforcement.

Step 2. Teach and model the routines. Explicitly teach students how to perform each routine, and model the desired behaviour themselves. Provide opportunities for students to practice the routines and provide feedback to help them improve.

Step 3. Reinforce positive behaviour by providing verbal praise, positive notes home to parents, or other rewards when students exhibit desired behaviours during routines. This encourages students to continue exhibiting these behaviours.


Benefits of classroom routines:

  • offers structure and predictability

  • increases student engagement

  • improves time management

  • encourages self-regulation

  • facilitates behaviour management

Theory Score:

Behaviourism ★★★★★

Cognitivism ★

Constructivism ★★

Social-Constructivism ★★★

Connectivism ★


Lev Vygotsky