
Knowledge cafés facilitate learning by creating a café-like environment in the classroom where students gather in small groups and discuss specific topics or concepts. They take turns as facilitators, leading discussions and summarising key points.


Step 1. Set up the café. Arrange the classroom in a café-like setting with small tables or groups of chairs. Display relevant materials or resources related to the topic at each table. Provide prompts or questions for discussion.

Step 2. Facilitate discussions. Assign students to small groups, ideally with diverse perspectives. Each group selects a facilitator to guide the discussion and keep it focused. Encourage participants to share their thoughts, ask questions, and explore different viewpoints.

Step 3. Rotate and share insights. Signal participants to rotate to a new table. In the new group, students share the insights and ideas gathered from the previous discussion. Facilitate a final whole-class sharing session to summarise key points and reflections.


Benefits of knowledge cafés:

  • promotes active engagement

  • enhances collaboration and cooperation

  • facilitates critical thinking

  • encourages diverse perspectives

  • improves social skills

Theory Score:

Behaviourism ★

Cognitivism ★★★

Constructivism ★★★★

Social-Constructivism ★★★★★

Connectivism ★


Movement Breaks