
Mnemonics refers to the application of memory aids, such as acronyms, rhymes, or visualisation strategies, to support retention and recall. Students can create their own mnemonics to remember complex information or sequences, reinforcing encoding and retrieval.


Step 1. Introduce the mnemonic. Explain the purpose and relevance of the mnemonic device, and demonstrate how it aids memory retention. Provide clear examples to illustrate its application in remembering key information.

Step 2. Engage student participation. Encourage students to actively create their own mnemonic devices, involving them in associating information with memorable cues or patterns. Support their creativity and ensure accuracy.

Step 3. Reinforce and practice. Incorporate regular practice activities that require students to apply the mnemonic devices to recall and reinforce information. Provide feedback, review sessions, and opportunities for independent use to strengthen retention.


Benefits of mnemonics:

  • enhances memory retention

  • improves learning efficiency

  • facilitates retrieval and recall

  • allows for personalisation

  • increases self-efficacy and confidence

Theory Score:

Behaviourism ★

Cognitivism ★★★★★

Constructivism ★★

Social-Constructivism ★★

Connectivism ★


Authentic Assessments


Virtual Speakers