
Think-Pair-Share is a collaborative learning activity where students first reflect on a question or prompt individually (think), then discuss their thoughts with a partner (pair), and finally share their ideas with the larger group (share).


Step 1. Provide a clear and concise prompt or question that requires critical thinking or problem-solving. The prompt should be relevant and engaging to students, and the expectations for participation and collaboration should be clearly communicated.

Step 2. Facilitate pair discussion by assigning partners or allowing students to choose their own partners. Students then share their thoughts and ideas with their partner, actively listening and exchanging ideas.

Step 3. Bring the class back together and provide opportunities for students to share their ideas and insights with the larger group. This can be done through whole-class discussions, presentations, or other methods.


Benefits of think-pair-share:

  • improves critical thinking

  • promotes active engagement and listening

  • encourages collaborative learning

  • fosters reflection

  • generates diverse perspectives

Theory Score:

Behaviourism ★

Cognitivism ★

Constructivism ★★★

Social-Constructivism ★★★★★

Connectivism ★


Think Aloud

