
Community projects are planned learning activities that involve interactions with the community or experts outside of the classroom. By working with individuals or organisations, students construct knowledge through real-world experiences and engaging with different perspectives.


Step 1. Identify a relevant community issue or topic. Collaborate with students to select a project that connects classroom learning with real-world challenges. Consider the interests and needs of the community, ensuring the project is meaningful.

Step 2. Plan and organise the project. Define objectives, research resources, and establish partnerships with community members or organisations to facilitate student engagement. Develop a timeline, roles and responsibilities, and a plan.

Step 3. Implement the project. Guide students in executing their plans, interacting with the community, and reflecting on their experiences to construct knowledge, deepen understanding, and make a positive impact.


Benefits of community projects:

  • facilitates authentic learning

  • fosters engagement and social responsibility

  • enables collaboration and teamwork

  • enhances personal growth

  • ensures knowledge application

Theory Score:

Behaviourism ★

Cognitivism ★

Constructivism ★★★★

Social-Constructivism ★★★★★

Connectivism ★


Learning Management System

