Paulo Freire (1921-1997) was a Brazilian educator and philosopher best known for his work on critical pedagogy. He believed education should be a tool for social and political change.
Social justice education: learning is a tool for empowering marginalised communities. Through “conscientisation,” learners and educators develop critical awareness and action to transform oppressive conditions.
“Pedagogy of the Oppressed”: his influential book argued that traditional education can perpetuate social inequalities. He encouraged teachers and students to critically analyse the social and political realities in which they live.
Freirean method: an approach that involves engaging learners in critical dialogue, problem-posing, and reflection. It emphasised the importance of “praxis” (the integration of theory and action) to create meaningful social change.
Paulo Freire’s work has revolutionised:
social justice education
critical pedagogy
student-centred approaches
contextualised and relevant education
collaborative dialogue-based practice