
Podcasting is an audio project where students research, record and produce episodes on a topic. Through podcasting, students develop research, communication and digital skills, while sharing their voices and perspectives with a wider audience.


Step 1. Plan and prepare. Choose a topic or theme for the podcast, plan the format and structure, and decide on the equipment and software needed. Provide students with guidelines and expectations for research, writing, recording, and editing.

Step 2. Research and record. Have students research the topic and write scripts for their episodes. Provide opportunities for practice and feedback on recording techniques and speaking skills. Record and edit the episodes.

Step 3. Publish and share. Publish the episodes on a relevant and appropriate platform and share them with classmates, parents, and a wider audience. Encourage students to reflect on the process and evaluate their own learning and growth.


Benefits of podcasting:

  • improves research skills and critical thinking

  • enhances communication

  • fosters creativity

  • facilitates collaboration

  • promotes digital skills

Theory Score:

Behaviourism ★

Cognitivism ★

Constructivism ★★★★★

Social-Constructivism ★★★

Connectivism ★★★


Paulo Freire


Jigsaw Method